
The videos below are only for your reference. You need to listen to your own body, and adjust the speed and depth of the practice accordingly.

The practices are to be done in the order given below.

If you only do practices in bold, the sequence should take approximately 25 minutes. The whole sequence takes approximately 40 minutes.

General points to remember when doing supine abdominal movements:

  1. Keep the lower back on the floor at all times. This is done by tightening the abdominal muscles before straightening legs. If you need to reduce the leg movement to make that happen, please do so - but try to increase it a little each day, to build core strength and activate your energy.

  2. Abdominal muscles can relax very quickly. Rather than reducing the number of rounds, you can rest for just a few seconds and resume the practice.

  3. Do both the single and double-legged version of the exercise if time permits, otherwise choose one or the other.

All practices in sequence: click here to access playlist

Pada Sanchalana.jpg

Pada sanchalana (cycling)

Single-leg version: click here
Double-leg version (alternating):
click here
Double-leg version (together):
click here

Practise 5-10 rounds (any variation you can manage)
Breathe deeply, especially in the abdomen

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Pada chakrasana (leg rotation)

Single-leg version: click here for video
Double-leg version: click here for video

Practise 5-10 rounds (each variation)
Breathe in as the leg goes up, and out on the downward movement

Supta Udarakarshanasana.jpg

Supta Udarakarshanasana (sleeping abdominal stretch)

Click here for video

Practise 10-15 rounds, trying different foot positions
Breathe out when twisting, in when coming back into starting position.

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Shava Udarakarshanasana (universal spinal twist)

Click here for video

Practise once to three times on either side
Don’t push the knee down by force, use the breath and gravity.

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Goolpha Chakra (ankle rotations)

Click here for video

Try to keep knees steady.
When movement has been developed, coordinate with breath: inhale when feet go up, exhale where away from the body.
Practise 10 rounds in each direction

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Janu Naman (knee bending)

Single leg variation: click here for video
Double leg variation: click here for video

Inhale when leg straightens, exhale and relax it when the knee comes in.
Squeeze the knee when straightening the leg, but not too hard.
Practise 7-10 rounds (each leg / each variation)

Ardha Titali Asana (half butterfly)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds slowly, then 50 rounds bouncing, on both sides
Try to keep your lower back upright, and leg completely relaxed.
Inhale up, exhale down.

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Poorna Titali Asana (full butterfly)

Click here for video

Practise 50 rounds dynamically.
Breath is normal, heels as close to the body as you can bring them comfortably.

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Skandha Naman (shoulder raises)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds
Breathe deeply in on the way up, out on the way down.

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Skandha Chakra (shoulder rotations)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds.
Breathe deeply in on the way up, out on the way down.

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Marjari Asana (cat pose)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds
Breathe in when bending backwards.
Breathe out when arching the back upwards.
Be aware of the whole body and movements in the back/spine.
Hold each posture for 3 seconds with the breath held.


Vyaghrasana (tiger pose)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds
As for cat pose; try not to move the body side to side when moving the leg.


Shashank-bhujangasana (striking cobra)

Click here for video

Practise 7-10 rounds
Always make sure to bring the whole front of the body and the hips onto the floor before lifting into cobra, even if that means you need to slide your hands forward and back from the starting position.

Shavasana (corpse pose)

Click here for audio

Practise for at least 5 minutes after your asana programme.