Early morning routines

Right after waking up: Mantra and resolves

  1. Sit up in your bed, keeping the eyes closed and awareness internalised.

  2. Find your natural breath, and without changing its rhythm in any way, count seven rounds of breath

  3. Chant the mantra Om seven times aloud (if sleeping alone) or quietly, if there are people around you.

  4. Take three resolves for yourself, adding one to the other:
    a) for developing health, vigour, strength and balance in the body, mind and emotions
    b) for mental clarity, focus, understanding and expansion of your mind
    c) for victory and protection against negativity in all forms, from within and from outside, and to maintain serenity and composure

  5. Chant the mantra Om seven times again

  6. Observe your natural breath and count seven rounds.

  7. Externalise your mind, open your eyes, and prepare to start your day

In the bathroom: Shatkarma

  1. Washing the eyes: with the eyes open, splash your face with cold water, allowing the water to rinse the eyes, for about 30 seconds.

  2. Cleaning the tongue:
    - stick your tongue out and scrape the slimy residue that builds up on it overnight. Use a tongue scraper, or the fingernails of 3 fingers of your dominant hand - making sure your nails are smooth and clean.
    - relax your tongue, hold it at the root with four fingers, and “milk” it 5-10 times, feeling the stretch all the way down to your throat.

  3. Massaging the gums: using the belly of your index finger, rub your gums and teeth inside and outside, both the upper and lower teeth, for a few seconds.

  4. Cleaning the Ears: making sure your fingernails are not too long / sharp, put your little fingers deep inside your ears and rotate gently but vigorously forward and back. Feel the loosening in the sides of your head.

  5. Massaging the eyebrow centre: with the knuckle of your thumb, find the dip between the brow bones and the forehead, apply gentle pressure, and rotate / rub clockwise for 10-15 seconds